About us

Meet your art therapist
Meet your art therapist
Welcome! I'm Rachel Taplin, an Art Therapist and the heart behind Sensorium Art Therapy! My passion lies in fostering healing communities where everyone, regardless of their background, can thrive. Through my practice, I aim to create a empowering an inclusive proograms and spaces for individuals living with neurodiversity, mental illness, trauma, and hidden disabilities.
As a practicing artist, I immerse myself in various forms of art-making, from toy-making and illustration to street art and sculpture. I have a particular fondness for Japanese culture and all things cute.
Living with ADHD and with over two decades of experience working with developmental disabilities, I understand the importance of embracing neurodiversity-affirming practices. As a qualified Snoezelen practitioner, I've studied in Germany, Korea, and New Zealand to integrate multi-sensory environments into my therapy approach. This led me to a passion for relaxing sensory environments that cater to diverse sensory needs, fostering self-exploration and acceptance.
With a Master's in Art Therapy from La Trobe, I specialize in childhood development, complex behaviour and neurodiversity, such as autism and ADHD. My person-centered, trauma-informed approach utilizes various therapeutic modalities that meet the needs of each individual to address emotional, social, and sensory needs. Whether it's anxiety, depression, attachment issues, trauma, or simply understaning yourself and your own neurodiversity, I'm here to support you on your journey.
I look forward to collaborating with you!
We build and create Sensory rooms!
Sensorium believes in changing the environment, not the person. For people that have experienced sensory disruption through trauma or neurological differences, every day experiences can be challenging and overwhelming. Our sensory room provides a calming sensory environment where the user has control over the sound and lighting, weighted blankets, bubble tubes and a cloud sac to easily regulate sensory needs and the best thing is - we can come to you!
These rooms, known as Snoezelen in other parts of the world, were designed to offer enhance focus, calm the nervous system and integrate their senses, through gentle stimulation of the 5 senses.. The user is able to experience a sense of autonomy and control as they learn how to regulate their emotions and sensory needs in a safe and non-threatening environment. You can find out more about Snoezelen and other multi-sensory environments in our FAQs below.
Sensorium can come and build a sensory room for a day, for a party, workshop or event, or build a permanent one in your home!
Ask us about hiring a sensory room for your next event
Frequently Asked Questions
Art therapy is a type of psychotherapy that utilises art and artistic mediums to help people explore their thoughts and emotions in their own unique way, using mediums and sensory input and environments that calm the nervous system , using art and creativity as a primary means of communication.
This is particularly powerful for people with diverse ways of communicating, experiencing the senses, and feeling emotions, as it provides a non-verbal means of communicating and gives uncomfortable experiences, feelings and memories a voice so they may be set free, understood and healed.
Art Therapy can benefit by:
Improving emotional wellbeing
Promote sensory regulation and integration
Increase self-awareness and self acceptance
Develop interpersonal skills and communication
Reduce stress and anxiety
Improve relationships
Calm the nervous system Help heal issues of trauma
At Sensorium Studio we practise neuro-divergent affirming practice, which means we think we should focus on changing the environment, not the person. For people that suffer severe sensory disruption through trauma or a neurological difference, everyday multi-sensory stimuli can be confusing and overwhelming, resulting in behavioural, physical and emotional impairments and barriers to learning.
Imagine a space, where sensory stimulation can be controlled by the user to suit their individual sensory needs. Using equipment such as projectors with wheels that disperse light patterns throughout the room, bubble lamps, spotlights, fibre optics, UV lights and mirror balls, the individual can control items within his or her environment integrating lights, textures, sounds and smells to increase concentration, alertness, calmness, and general awareness of the surrounding world, calming the mind and body and develop new neural pathways to learning, coping and understanding the world.
Sensorium Studio features a range of multi-sensory stimulation materials and environments that can be controlled by the user, integrating lights, textures, sounds and smells to nourish individual sensory needs.
As a registered provider, Sensorium Art Therapy supports NDIS participants to work toward their individual goals in creative ways, working with participants and their families to develop a personalised program that fits their goals and compliments other therapies. We can provide services for all NDIS participants from agency to self managed.
Art therapy is now well recognised by the NDIS and can be accessed as a therapeutic support option in Improved Daily Living.
You can also use your core funding under these areas:
Social and Community Participation
Innovative Community Participation