Sensorplay Tuesdays
Sensorplay is an open expressive art and play space in a calming and controllable sensory environment. This is a space for kids to truly be themselves, feel understood and connect with like-minded others to create, play and learn.
ADHD Appreciation Group
This is an amazingly supportive art therapy group of fellow ADHDers to help support you on your ADHD journey. For adults with ADHD that are newly or undiagnosed, or have been living with the diagnosis all their lives.
Sens'o'Pride Makers Circle
Our new SensOPride groups for adults and young people, hold space to make art, resonate with like-minded others and explore experiences and issues of gender, neurodiversity and identity
Anime Art Club
This weekly social group aims to help teens find their identity, strengths and talents through doing what they love with like-minded others. Over the 8 weeks you will develop artwork to go in an end of term exhibition and performance.